TAGT Advocacy Goals
2022-2023 Advocacy Goals
Background: TAGT focuses its policy-related advocacy on goals that will strengthen programs, services, and funding for gifted and talented education. The goals must address the current statewide decisions impacting public education in general, and especially those that relate to gifted and talented education.
Advocacy Goal: Ensure Appropriate Dedicated State Funding for G/T
In 2021, the Legislature reinstated designated funding for G/T students, in addition to the funds that are included in the basic allotment. TAGT supports the protection of and increase in designated G/T student funding.
Advocacy Goal: Ensure District Reporting Requirements and Compliance with State Plan
School districts must certify to the commissioner as complying with TEC Subchapter D, Chapter 29 to receive G/T Allotment. TAGT will work in partnership with TEA to support appropriate and timely regulatory efforts to ensure LEAs meet the spirit and stated language in the Texas Education Code and State Plan.
Advocacy Goal: Reinstate G/T-specific sections of TEC
TAGT supports reinstating the repealed G/T-specific sections of the Texas Education Code (TEC 29.124) that required LEAs to adopt a local policy, report G/T expenditures, and establish programs that are consistent with the state plan. These major changes ensure the level of services for our students and require more accountability from LEAs.
Advocacy Goal: Support Accountability Measures That Recognize G/T Students
TAGT supports continued legislative efforts that measure and highlight post-secondary outcomes for gifted students in the A-F accountability system, including but not limited to early graduates, students taking accelerated courses beyond their grade level, students who skip a grade, and successful credits by exam.
Advocacy Goal: Encourage TEA to Collect, Disaggregate and Report Data about Gifted Education Programs
TAGT believes the Texas Education Agency must gather data in a simple and straightforward manner about the gifted and talented programs and services school districts offer. This data should include information regarding academic performance, identification procedures, and program evaluation. This is not to evaluate or rank school districts, but to provide data about the services offered as part of districts’ gifted programming. This will create greater transparency for taxpayers and for parents who need the information to make informed decisions about their children’s education.
Advocacy Goal: Encourage TEA to include Gifted Education in Texas’ ESSA State Compliance Plan
If/when the Texas implementation plan for ESSA is revisited, TAGT believes the Texas Education Agency ESSA State Plan should mirror and reflect the federal ESSA plan in regards to language and focus around gifted students and should recognize gifted in compliance measures.
Advocacy Goal: Ensure Comprehensive School Funding
As G/T funding is impacted by the Basic Allotment, TAGT supports efforts to ensure schools are funded at or above levels established in 2021 and that funding laws consider mastery of learning objectives over instructional minutes. All forms of daily attendance should be funded including blended learning, virtual learning, traditional learning, alternative schedules, and all effective, innovative learning environments.